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Aryan Nations https___www.aryannationssadisticsouls.jpg

If your not a part of the solution,

"your part of the problem"

Black and Silver Solution

Talk Shoe Podcast

Dial: +1 605-562-0444

Show ID: 144969

Monday Nights at 7 pm

we ant the fucking boyscouts


The traditional pro-white organizations of today are no more than a cheap mechanical restoration of the past.


The grandeur times of the mighty Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Skinhead divisions, Aryan Bikers ect. all, are a mere memory in this era.


The few surviving organizations are simply a distorted view of the past.


Today’s folk has become socially decayed, a spiritual syphilis has taken over our land and it has infected even the elect's.



We have been over run by illegal criminal invaders from the 4 corners of the earth who despise our race and culture. Our race has been betrayed by the highest to the lowest authority in our once great land.


We watch in horror our land, as other European nations  watch theirs be plundered and pillaged, destroyed and taken over by these vile marauders.


We watch in dismay and grief our own race giving the enemies of our race the tools to destroy us.


We watch in disgust the betrayal and wilful genocide of our race, by our race. We see the desperation and hear the cries in white families losing their homes, jobs, marriages and security while those elected to protect and serve abandon the victim all the while insuring giving their rights to illegal criminal savages.


Our Government robs us and gives our monies to people and programs in direct violation to God’s authority while stripping us of our God Given rights.


We pay for our own destruction.


Our race has succumbed to a satanic spell. The remnant few that have not been indoctrinated by leftist, communist, atheist, satanic ideology, may apply for candidateship.


organized professionals White organizations already existing may apply to become part of the Black & Silver solution.


Those with eyes to see and ears to hear have a duty to the 14 words.


Many recite them but few live them.


If you are reading these lines, you are looking for the truth or some kind of monitor, we welcome all truth seekers but reject the latter.


Our folk has been lulled into a slumber and has been deceived in this short season satan.


It's time for the white sleeping giants to awaken, break out of the matrix of lies and apply for candidateship in the aryan nations.


We offer different facets in the black and silver solution, including the following,


Sadistic Skins

Sadistic Sircle


Sadistic Souls MC


to apply to the ARyan Nations sadistic souls MC you must have a legal running Harley Davidson of a minimum 1200cc but prefer 1450cc up riders after all this is not the boy scouts men.


The Aryan Nations Militant arm.


We also have Black and silver known associates such as follows.






Those seeking the true nature of who we are, what we are and when we are in our not too distant past may apply here, however, beware... the eye of scrutiny is upon all who seek entrance into our holy order, all are vetted.


Many imposters and fraudsters come and go under the mighty Aryan Nations name, but make no mistake, there is but one descendant from pastor Richard G Butler, it is the Aryan Nations black and silver in this new era.


Pastor Butler stated before his death, 




"the Aryan Nations was dead, but one day it would rise up in a new manner", 


 April 20th 2012

Richard G Butler.


And today we take the Aryan Nations and the sadistic souls MC Along with the black and silver into a new direction and platform.


Heil our victory!

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