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Aryan Nations
Sadistic Souls MC
The ANSCOJC is based on biblical truths and adheres to the racial laws that separate us as a people by our God. We understand the Bible to be the full authority of God and believe Christ to have fulfilled all prophecy in his generation. We believe the millennial reign of Christ has already happened both spiritually and physically after 70ad. We see the physical proof all around us matching perfectly with biblical truths pertaining to the 1000 year millennium of Christ. The only thing that does not make sense is the pulpit pimps and uni-churches which is most churches today that have sided with liars and thieves who hate Christ. Our history has been hijacked, our true self veiled and our God hidden from us by traitors. The Jesuits’, elites and Satan’s minions of the 18th century who wrote our history and told us what the bible says pushed their Satanic agenda in the programing centers they call schools and churches. We in the SCJC adhere to the teachings of Christ and rebuke all other so called authorities that are in direct violation to God’s natural life law. We believe in separation of the races as even the most dimwitted can see that their communist social experiment has not worked.
We believe that we are living in Satan’s little season in revelations 20 and he has truly deceived the nations as prophesied. The biggest lie ever told and today’s so called Christians that deceive their flock ,mocking the word of God, most unwittingly but none the less, the lies, teaching false doctrine and denying biblical truths, sending their flock to hell. We in the ANSCOJC society believe in biblical truths. Preachers today refuse to teach or believe what the bible clearly states as truth and their parishioners are to lazy and disinterested in looking into what God’s word says, which is in direct opposition to the pulpit pimps messages. These rodent preachers can only mimic and recite what they have been instructed to say for good grades and ego. We encourage all who read these lines to do your own studies and break the matrix.
For God, Race & Nation
Luke 19:27